Gergő Batta
Gergő Batta holds an MSc in mechanical engineering and MSc in power generation. In 2008 he joined MAVIR ZRt., the Hungarian Transmission System Operator as an intern. His most significant task was to develop and manage the procurement of ancillary services. He participated in several international projects and working groups and was a member of the ENTSO-E Drafting Team that created the Electricity Balancing Guideline. In 2015 he joined Energiabörze Kft. as a commercial director and from 2016 he has been managing the company as a company manager. From 2016 as chairman, he led the Electricity Committee of the Hungarian Energy Traders’ Association (hereinafter referred to as HETA) and from 2019 he was elected as a member of the Board of HETA. From the end of 2020 he returned to MAVIR ZRt. as director for system- and market operation, and from September 2021 he was appointed as deputy CEO for operation of the Company.