Yvon Slingenberg
Ms Yvon Slingenberg is currently acting Director for Climate Strategy, Governance and emissions from non-trading sectors in DG Climate Action of the European Commission with responsibility for a major part of the “Fit for 55” package adopted by the Commission in July 2021. Until November 2020 she was Director responsible for International climate negotiations, cooperation with third countries on the implementation of the Paris Agreement, EU Action on adaptation and resilience and mainstreaming of climate issues in EU policies (e.g. cohesion policy, sustainable finance).
During the first two years of the Juncker Commission, she was Senior Adviser in the Cabinet of Commissioner Arias Cañete for Climate Action and Energy, where she contributed to the legislative framework for 2030 (climate proposals on EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS), Effort Sharing and Land-use & Forestry, and energy proposals on energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and Energy Union Governance). Until November 2014 she was Head of Unit in the Directorate General for Climate Action of the European Commission in charge of the “Implementation of the EU Emissions Trading System", a market-based instrument and key tool of EU Climate Policy to drive emission reductions in the most cost-efficient manner.
From 2003 to 2007 Yvon was in charge of the chemicals policy unit and negotiated the new chemicals legislation (REACH). She has also worked in the Cabinet of Commissioner Wallström on environment and climate issues (2002-2003), for the European Commission's Task-force for the World Summit on Sustainable Development in 2002 (Johannesburg), in the international climate negotiations (1998-2002) and in the “Waste Management Policy” Unit.
Yvon is a lawyer of Dutch nationality with a degree in international law (specialisation in environmental law) from the University of Amsterdam. She speaks Dutch (mother tongue), English, French, German and Spanish.