Kjell Arne Barmsnes
Kjell Barmsnes has been engaged in the energy business since 1990 and in the electricity business since 1997. He has worked for research institutes, private- and state companies in Norway and in the USA, and has more than 20 years of management experience within the electricity industry.
Since 2007 he has been working for Statnett SF, the Norwegian TSO, where he is the head of the Market Development department. He has participated in several European market development projects and has been engaged in ancillary services development and network code work within ENTSO-E. He has been the convenor of ENTSO-Es working group on Ancillary Services from 2012 until 2018, responsible for delivering the Guideline on Electricity Balancing. He has been Vice Chair of the ENTSO-E Market Committee since Oct 2019 and Chair of the Market Committee since Jul 2021.
Before joining Statnett Mr. Barmsnes worked for Nord Pool Consulting, where he was engaged in projects for commercial start-up and capacity building preparation for the Romanian market operator OPCOM, an electricity market design, implementation, and capacity building project for the Southern African Power Pool (SAPP). For SAPP he was also engaged in a project proposing a balancing mechanism for the region. He has been engaged in an electricity market feasibility study and market design project for a national Indian power exchange, as well as electricity market restructuring projects in Japan and Turkey.
He has held key positions with OM (now Nasdaq) in the implementation and delivery of IT systems to clients in the USA, among others the Californian Power Exchange. In his work for OM he was responsible for establishing the company’s energy business in the USA by setting up a local company in California, recruiting key staff, as well as defining and implementing sales, marketing, and partner strategies for North America.